Harley transmission sprocket nut torque. When the screw is in the nut cannot back off.
Harley transmission sprocket nut torque 99 Part #: H380624 Mfg Part #: 75400. the Primary Twin Drive Cam Locking Tool in Transmissions & Chains Sprocket Lock Hub Nut for Harley Twin Cam Electra Glide Road King Softail 4882 Rear Wheel Axle Torque Wrench Hand Tools Similar to HD-47925. 5. Simplifies the removal and installation of the left-hand threaded nut securing the transmission sprocket, saving time Harley-Davidson Transmissions & Components. i torqued the compensating nut to 155 ft/ibs and the clutch hub to 75 ft/ibs, but do i really need to tear it all off again to put lock tight on there with those torque Start nut onto mainshaft and tighten hand tight. Both use red locktight and remember the mainshaft nut is a left handed thread. For Harley Davidson bikes, torque specifications are key to making sure everything in the engine and other parts works right. When putting the bike back together, the compensator sprocket torques to 150-165 ft lbs. I need to know what the torque is for the sprocket cover and also the bolt that holds the By chatting and providing Owned shop for 12 years, worked tech-support for Harley Davidson. Transmission Sprocket Locking. Harley-Davidson Transmission Parts. of torque with two lines of 271 Loctite in it. Site Supporter; Full Member Fits transmissions on all 2006-later Dynas, and 2007-later Touring and Softail models 1-piece design (machined from solid steel) Genuine Cerakote finish Broached drive hole for Don't want to sound like a smart ass but the first accessory anybody should buy is the Harley Davidson factory service manual. That is the torque for the clutch center to mainshaft. CICMOD All Primary Drive Twin Cam Locking Tool in Transmissions & Chains for Harley Davidson Electra Glide/Road King/Softail. The nut pn is 35211-91B . Previous topic - Next topic. nut seems to have been rubbing inside the outer primary cover. 1979 - Late I've even read a Harley bulletin M-1170 (published in 2005) which applies to Dyna model years 2003 to 2005 which says to torque the nut to 75 ft-lbs then turn the nut an additional 45 to 50 degrees. 7 Nm) Also should you need it, those other 2 sprocket cover screws are: Sprocket Cover %PDF-1. 70-80 Inch Pounds. 64for all length big twin transmission mainshafts so that you can properly torque the sprocket/pulley nut to 100/120 ft. Torque to 125-135 ft lbsHigh quality machined steel locknut with 1/2-24 left hand thread fits Harley Big Twins 1936-91 4 speed. lbs. Front Axle I need to know if the front drive sprocket nut is a right hand or left hand thread? in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. The problem is that there is no positive seal too prevent oil leaking past the sprocket spacer in the main seal. I need to remove the trans sprocket nut (1 7/8 I think). The tranny sprocket nut is much less. The torque for the Transmission Top Cover Bolts in a Harley Davidson 103 engine is typically specified at 7-9 ft-lbs (foot-pounds). and I feel through the wrench, "bumps-on-a-cog" feeling like coming from behind the sprocket in the transmission. Started by alsong, February 06, 2014, 07:43:32 PM. ) for taking it off. Note: There are new torque specs for the compensating sprocket. If this is your first visit, Sprocket torque 07-30-2020, 10:12 PM Share Tweet #2. This Super Nut is designed to help address a common issue on Harley-Davidson four-speed transmissions: oil leaks from the main drive gear bushing. Put the bike in 2nd grar and have a friend hold the rear brake on. Transmission sprocket nut; 4. Take the donor socket before you cut it in two and put it over the tranny drive shaft as far as it will go. Shop our complete selection of Harley-Davidson Motorcycle parts and accessories including the S&S Cycle Transmission Sprocket Nut. bar, lol. Lockplate; 5. depending upon which book you're reading. 1-7/8" Looking for the compensator nut torque/procedure for an 07 FL Model. Once the clutch is disengaged, torque is removed from the transmission. Full Member; Posts: 2,183 Compensating Sprocket Torque Procedure But I am inclined to believe the <Year> Ready Reference Torque Values over those that are in the SM and in this case the 2007 Ready Reference says "100ft lbs, loosen one full turn, then so i finally pulled the inner primary today for the first time and it was a lot easier than expected, just a little time consuming for my first time doing it. It shows the sprocket holding tool hitting against the UNDER Twin Cam 103: Engine sprocket shaft nut: 130-145 Nm; Transmission sprocket nut: 160 Nm. The larger trans pulley nut, to be technically correct, is the "transmission Sprocket nut is left hand thread (lefty tighty, righty loosey), Clutch nut is right hand. Top vipersniper PDF-1. Been working out of an old (1985-1990) Harley manual. I have the spec's at home for the Serving High Performance Harley-Davidson motorcycles Get XiED (tm)! Nightrider. I had a similar problem when trying to screw a NOS clutch hub nut onto the mainshaft as it would bind on the shaft. 5 Limey_Dave Sponsor 1x Member Posts: 224 Joined: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:48 am Bikes: 31VL 43WLC 99FLHR 52 Ariel KH Location: Middle England UK Has thanked: 1 time Been thanked: 16 times I have a 09 sporster xl883l and I need to remove the front pulley and need to know the size of the transmission sprocket nut as I need to buy a socket also I need to confirm that this nut is turned clockwise to loosen thanks for your help . 1 Nm). Similar to Harley-Davidson OEM HD-41184. Noworries; actually your terminology was correct; the "clutch hub main shaft nut" torque is 70#-80#. Make sure your torque wrench will torque in the left handed direction. Transmission sprocket nut, torque Transmission sprocket nut, 2nd torque Transmission sprocket nut, final torque T ransmission bp cover 102-136 NO (90-120 in-lbs) 135. A good American made 1\2" drive impact develops a max torque around 350-400 ft lb . Harley Davidson; Trike; Accessories; About Torque Value: Sprocket Nut: 90-110 ft lbs: Cam cover bolts: 125 – 155 in/lbs: That is the torque for the clutch center to mainshaft. 180-210 foot pounds 35-45 foot pounds 90-120 inch pounds %PDF-1. Tighten pivot shaft nut to 90-110 ft-lbs (122-149. I have just been on the phone to three different HD dealerships and none of them agree on the rear axle nut torque for a 2009 softail. 1–40. fasteners, generally used Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Not all torque wrenches do left-handed torque. Mobile version Transmission sprocket; 3. The clutch hub is constantly pulling the transmission mainshaft in the direction that tends to tighten the LH 1 1/8" nut. heh heh. com Performance Parts Transmission Sprocket nut Transmission Sprocket locking screw Clutch hub nut: Torque Value. 5 Nm). The basics of making one of these at home has been shown a million times, but I wanted to include the extra lathe work to remove the chamfer for the standard 1 7/8 socket. Manual Download 4t65e transmission rebuild manual online 4T65E Specs Identification Drivetrain Harley Sprocket Shaft Nut socket removal tool transmission nut pulley securing nut all 4 and 5 speed models plus choppers makes Evo and Twincam 1936 to 2006 transmission nut easy when changing belts pulleys or sprockets , top quality made from Draper Hi Torq Sockets 3/4 drive ( 1/2 inch to 3/4 adaptors extra £10. As a Harley enthusiast like myself, you may have chosen your bike for its distinctive rumble and the sense of freedom it offers on the open road. NOTE See Figure 6-11. Shop our complete selection of Harley-Davidson Motorcycle parts and accessories including the V-Twin Manufacturing Nut for Transmission That seemed to work, and nearly 1,500 miles later, the loctite has broken loose yet again, and I now can perfectly recognized the warning signs of the loose CS nut by the jump and play in the bike in 1st and 2nd gear, So I tore it apart today, cleaned it all up (brake cleaned all removed parts, used a rag with brake-clean on it to wipe off In this video I will be showing you guys how we make this specialty tool for just over $20! Jims sells these sockets for removing the Main shaft sprocket/pul Dedicated to the Harley-Davidson Panhead, Flathead, Knucklehead and Shovelhead 1955 four speed transmission sprocket torque specification: goob: Sun, 02 Oct 2011: 5: 1959 compensating sprocket nut: PanMan: Tue, 30 Nov 2004: 4: 1963 Primary: big-boss: Mon, 13 Apr 2015: 5: 1965 and up solid engine sprocket to 1964 and earlier: harleys4ever777: The sprocket nut supplied by the mainshaft spacer and seal kit by V-Twin binds worse than the sprocket nut I removed. 1934 Harley VLD (current restoration project) 1969 Mercury Cougar Eliminator M code 351W 4V 4 Speed. The super nut only seals one side of the sprocket and thus only one half of the leak. P/N 24003-30. I was under the impression once the sprocket and nut are off the gear set should come out the other side pretty easily, am I wrong on that? torque 110-120 ftlbs up to 150 to line up the lock plate. Shop for 1999 Harley-Davidson Softail Fat Boy - FLSTF Sprockets & Pulleys at Dennis Kirk. Turn the nut counterclockwise to install it onto main drive gear (3). TheSeasonedWrench. The above list has only described the torques for different parts where you will need the wrench. The 3 hole nut in the 1st pic sets the crank bearing preload. Noticed that the ends of the rollers had worn a groove in the spacer. nut torque and trans mainshaft nut torque specs. I got the 70-78 info from the clymer manual. 4 %âãÏÓ 350 0 obj ELONN 36 mm Axle Nut Wrench,HD-47925 Rear Axle Nut Torque Adapter for Harley,1/2" Square Drive,Mufflers Removal Not Needed. Transmission Sprocket Pulley Lock Plate With Nut For 06-17 Harley Fits most Harley Davidson 6 speed transmissions from 2007-2017 (Dyna 06-17) Dyna FXD: 2006-2017 6-speed Softail FLST/FXST: 6-speed Touring FLT: A good investment is a JIMS Machine sprocket nut socket (CCI PN 20691), that will work on any 4-speed transmission from 1936-86. Below are some torque specifications for the According to the torque chart in the KB, The sprocket nut gets 120-150 ft-lb. Read full answer Nov 24, 2012 • 2005 Harley Davidson FLHTCUI Electra Glide There is a verified problem with Harley-Davidson Big Twin compensating sprockets. A forum community dedicated to all Harley-Davidson model owners and enthusiasts. kell Member Posts: 412 Joined: Fri Aug 23, 2002 10:05 pm. Specialities include: Motorcycle. Install belt over rear wheel sprocket and transmission sprocket. Transmission drive sprocket nut for chain drive models has hex and location locking holes. and on shovels they never come loose. The front belt drive pulley torques to 150-165 foot pounds as is also LEFT HANDED THREADS and you'll need a "belt pulley locking device" to hold it Harley transmission sprocket nut torque install# Harley transmission sprocket nut torque manual# Then, when I ran it a little faster, I got a similar sound from the same area, only much faster. that's the part i tried to pull down on and see if it would fold need to know if transmission mainshaft is standard clockwise threaded (right -tight) or reverse threaded (counter clockwise) thanks,bob and you are refering to main shaft nut under the clutch pack then yes it is left handed. 180-210 foot pounds 35-45 foot pounds 90-120 inch pounds 70-80 inch pounds I need crank or comp. Part The transmission drive sprocket hub width was increased . com. Don`t trust me, trust the manual. rageglide. Another way to hold the transmission to untorque the nut: Remove the transmission top cover Remove the shifter drum A torque wrench capable of going up to at least 150 ft lbs as the compensating sprocket requires 150 – 165 ft lbs of torque from Harley Hog who put together a wonderful photo journal of doing a belt repair to a 2000 FLHRCI bike. Torque Specs. The pulley nut has RIGHT HAND THREADS. Is this something I can fix myself without risk of messing up a bunch of other stuff? Article «Transmission sprocket — removal and installation» from section «Engine and systems → Transmission» from repair manual of motorcycles «Harley-Davidson XL1200» 2012-2023 years of release. Do not turn the nut clockwise or you will damage the main drive gear threads. Harley-Davidson Transmissions & Components. A part that was adequate in an 82-cubic-inch engine may not be adequate in a 103-cubic-inch . XR 1200X 1. What I know off the top of my head: 1. (27. The second is a 1/4 drive, 3/8 drive and a 1/2 drive quality torque wrench. On evos, I do the same and add red loctite since evos tend to Hi Everyone, I've been replacing trans & main sprocket seal on a 1993 Softail/SPCN, with Delkron inner primary & motor case. Go the nut and the shaft ,smear a little engine oil on the face of the nut that contacts the pulley and use red Loctite ,torque to specs. 00 for a one time use. 4. US Navy Veteran 1974-1979 (AD2), FAA A&P Mechanic since 1980, 1989 FLSTC, 2016 FLHR, 2019 FLHT, 2022 FLHTCTGU A forum community dedicated to all Harley-Davidson model owners and enthusiasts. Apply LOCTITE THREADLOCKER 262 (red) to the threads of the pivot shaft nut. Transmission Sprocket Nut Lock - 75400 V-Factor. Genuine James Gaskets uses state of the art materials and production SB M-1170 Compensating Sprocket Torque Procedure - DIY This Bulletin documents a torque and turn-of-nut procedure for tightening the engine compensating sprocket. Features Skip the sprocket holder if you have an air gun. V-Twin Harley Davidson Final Drive Sprocket Torque (on Chain Drive Models) Nut Description (use only 2 or 3 drops of RED threadlocker on this nut) Year Domestic Model(s) Nut Description Nut Size Tightening Torque Where Notes; Engine Sprocket Nut (Crankshaft) , right hand threads all years. Georges garage has one , but I hate to spend nearly 100. I Harley transmission sprocket nut torque after trying to fold it over and not succeeding, I studied the washer and that is when i came to the conclusion that the lip it has causes it to act like a spring and push out against the CS nut, so I flipped it around and re-installed it. I use red on this nut. Hex head makes for an easy installation with basic hand tools. The clutch hub nut torques 60-80 ft. SKU 000482 Categories Bottom End, Bottom End, CAD Plated, Drive Lines, Drive Lines Harley Shovel. When tightening the compensating sprocket bolt, the PRIMARY DRIVE LOCKING TOOL (Part No. The tool is adjustable for 30 to 34-tooth pulleys. 180-210 Foot Pounds. Follow the manual for the bike you are working on. regardless of his project or the bike it gives you a clear idea of what you will be experiencing click and We also recommend using our flange nut to ensure that this sprocket is properly locked in place. 90-120 Inch Pounds. Includes 2 Shims and 1 Bearing (to complete one side of a front axle). Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, builds, maintenance, classifieds and more! There are some "special tools" necessary to do the job as well. Clutch Hub Nut. Thanks. Then measure from the 1 7/8 end of the socket to the back side of the nut and add about 1/2 inch . It used to be to torque to 165 ft/lbs with 2 drops of Locktite red. Tranny sprocket nut torque value. with spacer collars facing transmission case. Designed to lock the trans belt sprocket for removal & installation of the sprocket nut. - Maximum allowable tightening of sprocket nut is 45 degrees of clockwise rotation after a torque of 35 ft-lbs (47. Transmission main shaft nut (2-1/4") The manual says: - Tighten sprocket nut to 35 ft-lbs (47. Turn the But I have a question about the torque vaules. You May Also Be Interested In (1) Transmission Main Drive Spacer - 17 Page 1-8 Torque specs, transmission sprocket nut. I made a tool for that 4 hole comp sprocket nut. Ronnie's Harley-Davidson's 2009 Harley Davidson XL SPORTSTER® 883 (CN Quick question: What is the torque spec for a 1987 FXR compensator nut? My H-D shop manual states 90-100 Ft-lbs. I measured the spacer, i do not have a micrometer but it is 7/16" wide. And, compensating nut torque@ 90-100 lbs. it is 150-165 FT/LBS on the compensating sprocket and 70-80 on the mainshaft nut. SKU: 1405370. lbs. On the compensator nut I use 165 ft. HD Countershaft nut (early 1983 and earlier) is 105-120 ft-lbs torque. /lbs. Isn't that the correct torque for this bike? Also, how much room is there between the comp. 500 Offset Transmission Sprocket - 19-0122 V-Twin Manufacturing. For various nuts, screws, and fasteners, here are some general guidelines: Primary Chain Case Cover Screws: Should be secured at around 13. 6. 1-piece design (machined from solid steel) Genuine Remove before reinstalling compensating sprocket. Come join You will need a torque wrench that is capable of applying at least 150 foot pounds of torque to the engine sprocket nut and torqe 60-80 pounds in the LEFT HANDED DIRECTION for the clutch assembly. and if anyone knows of a good spec book for our wornderful american motorcycles . First, when in 1st and 2nd gears, when I released the gas after running it around 10-12 mph, there was a repetitive clunking noise that died out after 3 Transmission sprocket nut. 105-120 ft-lbs. Sportster #HARLEY TRANSMISSION SPROCKET NUT TORQUE MANUALS# atsg transmission manuals full automotive library. Buy 21 Tooth Belt-to-Chain Drive Conversion Front Transmission Sprocket for 1991-2020 Harley Davidson Sportster Evolution 883/1200 XL Models – Recommended for use with 530 Chain: Chain & Sprocket Kits - Home / Hardware / CAD Plated / Harley Knucklehead,Panhead,VL,UL,Engine Sprocket Shaft Nut. * Noworries; actually your terminology was correct; the "clutch hub main shaft nut" torque is 70#-80#. Is there a homemade tool for this or is it a one of a kind. Its according to the book a standard thread ( counter clockwise to loosen ). 7 Nm). 1996 FXDS-CONV S&S E. Cracked compensator sprocket on my Evo. When the screw is in the nut cannot back off. I would torque that sprocket nut on a 1976 engine to a minimum of 250ft lbs. Oh yeah, I looked in my older 70-78 HD manual and it says 140-150. Left-hand thread. Getting these specs spot-on is important for things like cylinder head bolts, conrod bolts, and Position nut (5) with flanged side facing transmission sprocket (4). I cleaned it up and left the original paint except the I'm ready to install my compensating sprocket nut on my 1959 FL and was not sure If I was to apply any grease to the main shaft, inside the compensating sprocket nut and the woodruff key that fits into the main shaft keyway? ↳ Frame / Transmission; ↳ Brakes; ↳ Carburetor/Fuel system/Air Filter; ↳ Linkert; ↳ 1929 Harley This is how to build a front sprocket socket for a 4 or 5 speed Harley transmissions. Sprocket mounting bolts Harley Davidson 620020 HD-41184 Transmission Sprocket Locking Tool. 1991-1997 Models: 1-1/8“ Nut: 150-165ft-lbs Service Interval Engine and Transmission. HD-47977) must be placed between the teeth of the engine and clutch sprockets. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. ) Primary cover bolts: 14-21 ft lbs 2. The friction inside the clutch pack transfers the engine's torque to the transmission. 300 Miles: 1000 Miles: 2000 Miles: 5000 Miles or 1 Year: Spring and Fall: Engine Oil: Check: Check: Change: Sprocket shaft nut torque: 150 ft-lbs. adjust the linkage by loosening the jam nut and removing the bolt connecting the linkage to the shift lever. It's equilavent to Harley Part Number HD-94660-37B. Position nut SHAFT LOCKNUT WRENCH (Part No. (clockwise to loosen- since lht) there is no back torque within the trans to keep the mainshaft The manuals are different because the transmissions are differentThe `07 is a six speed transmission. Each nut undergoes a bright dip anodization process to fend off corrosion. Transmission sprocket locknut (countershaft): early 1983 and earlier. TheJlMS tool comes with a collar (A) that threads on the end of the mainshaft and a socket Buy Transmission Sprocket Pulley Lock Plate With Nut For 91-06 Harley: Sprockets - Amazon. Motorcycle Mechanic: Andre Pilon Rear axle nut 60-65 81-88. While researching a potential cause to a vibration issue I've been having I found a HD Service bulletin for the Compensating Sprocket Torque from 2005. 2004 Dyna Lowrider Harley Heavy Breather,Stage 1,Screaming Eagle mufflers. Jump to Latest All 5 speed big twin transmissions have left hand threaded pulley nuts. The nut doesn't loosen any more, of course. Usage 1. I think Harley did the 09 - 10 MY's a big disservice when they stuck the 32 Super Nut Transmission Sprocket Seal - 4 Speed Harley Trans OEM# 35211-36 Every James Gasket part is made in the USA from high quality materials. Refer to REAR BELT DEFLECTION in the Service Manual and follow the instructions given to cor- 1. S&S Cycle Transmission Sprocket Nut - 56-3003. Screaming Eagle ignition,V&H Short shots. I used a 38mm axle socket. I have replaced plenty where guys got carried away tightening the Compensating Sprocket Nut 80-100 ft lbs. Harley tool # HD-94660 #Harley transmission sprocket nut torque install# To obtain a quote for shims please fill out our fast quote form. On the front page of the transmission chapter, where all the torque specs for the transmission are listed, it is 110-120ft-lbs, and on the instruction sheet supplied with the transmission sprocket kit, the locknut is supposed to be torqued to 50ft-lbs The nut is 1 1/2" X 1/2" thick, in the clymer manual it does show this nut but of course its a picture and just shows it in front of the sprocket only. This table is based upon Grade 5. I used a commercial mower deck alignment bar, drilled a couple holes in one end and welded 2 pins into those Just got in a new sprocket nut tool from Turtle Fountains in Tennesse- really nice. 020” to compensate for the clutch gear change. For Harley Davidson. Your Harley’s compensator Inner collar will retain wrench to nut and keep tool square to nut and mainshaft to properly and safely work! •Jims 94660-37A, DS-196149. Maybe I had the sprocket nut cranked down too tight Final Drive Sprocket Torque ; Nut Description Nut Size Tightening Torque Notes; 1991-92 Chain : 1-7/8“ Nut - Left-hand Threads : 110-120 ft-lbs : Max 150ft-lbs : Transmission Transmission Top Cover Bolts. Skip to. Tore down my transmission. Transmission Drive Sprocket Nut for Harley Davidson by V-Twin. Remove primary drive locking Front sprocket Nut. I better edit my previous post. This is equivalent to 9. Fits 1985-1994 Harley FXR & 1986-1999 Harley Softail Models Recommended for use with a 530 Chain. Home; Motorcycle. 003 in. weight: 2. Read more. * According to the HD manual, torque specs for the transmission sprocket locknut is 150ft-lbs in the "assembly" section. Just wondering. Softail Models: Softail Models are known for their unique suspension system. You should be good to go. the only thing i didnt have that the book stated was lock tight. In this book, it states: Clutch hub nut@ 50 lbs. 4 %âãÏÓ 53 0 obj > endobj xref 53 42 0000000016 00000 n 0000001500 00000 n 0000001136 00000 n 0000001593 00000 n 0000001634 00000 n 0000001813 00000 n 0000002044 00000 n 0000002733 00000 n 0000003156 00000 n 0000003852 00000 n 0000003953 00000 n 0000004323 00000 n 0000004762 00000 n 0000005243 00000 n your Harley-Davidson Dealer. That will be the length of your pipe spacer. Primary Cam locking tool is a good helper to lock primary drive in place Serving High Performance Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Are saying 160 for compensator nut and off hand can't remember the exact for the clutch. d. 1970 to early 1978. Engine, Transmission and Chassis Transmission Sprocket nut Transmission Sprocket locking screw Clutch hub nut: Torque Value. This upgraded nut is also an Primary chain locking tool,This wedge is used for between front sprocket and primary chain on bottom to torque nut,For harley m8 primary locking tool. 6 (100 ft-lbs) 47 s (35 According to the HD manual, torque specs for the transmission sprocket locknut is 150ft-lbs in the "assembly" section. The compensating sprocket buffers torque from the engine and the limitations with this part may be most obvious in newer, big bore engines. maximum at rim Harley Davidson 1970 - 1977 Service Manual. OCP PARTS WAREHOUSE (88297) Solid large nut to ensure your 250ft/lbs torque is secure. The first one i rang said 140NM which i thought sounded a bit too much so, i rang the second dealer who told me 60 to 65 ft lb or 81 NM which was right for my 06 Transmission drive sprocket nut for chain drive models. it'll "seem" like a primary leak, but what's happening is the fluid is Driven Racing Aluminum Sprocket Nuts. Transmission Sprocket Nut. lb. $1. Manufacturer: George's Garage For Knuckleheads, Panheads, Shovelheads, Evos, and early Twin Cams- This tool is required to remove the big nut that secures the output sprocket on your transmission, and it's essential to have one of these in your toolbox. Screw. nut and the inside of the primary cover, once installed? The nut is tight though. Tighten compensating sprocket bolt to 155-165 ftlbs (210. 2) The six spring tension nut adjusters (7686) 1971 - 1978, FSM Lists No Torque Specs Related to the Transmission. I've got the locking tool, and, following directions, cannot seem to loosen the nut; the clutch pack just smoothly rotates, as if the transmission isn't in gear. (still in the body You need a manual, as you need torque specs for the entire assembly of the primary cover, inner primary bolts, clutch hub nut, compensator, starter bolts, starter jackshaft bolt, swingarm pivot bolts and rear axle nut. Screw (2); 6. I'm not to sure why the two torque settings for the same nut? the only thing that sorta makes sense to me is I set it at 15-20 then set the Harley Davidson Sportster: Transmission Diagnostic Guide. Now it's been changed, Per HD. And since I don't know if you loosened that acorn nut, but for the record: Rear Exhaust Pipe Clamp Bracket Acorn Nut (2010-16): 20–30 ft. Oil gets past the inside of the spacer and is free to leak out the splines where the sprocket mounts on the main drive gear. 125" Primary Drive Locking Bar Tool, Sprocket Nut Lock Chain Lock Tool for Harley Davidson Dyna 2006-Present and Softail 2007-Present Specialty Tool. You'll need a torque wrench capable of applying 150-165 pounds of torque to the engine sprocket shaft nut and 60-80 pounds LEFT-HANDED torque to the mainshaft nut in the clutch assembly. 1-223. 8 posts • Page 1 of 1. Torque For Different Harley Models And Their Engines. NO comparision. , all Torque Specs. See Figure 1. for use with 1/2" drive ratchet, impact or torque wrenchleft hand threaded collar screws on end of mainshaft and pilots the tool to prevent damaging the sprocket/pulley nutwill fit all oem style sprocket/pulley nuts and the super nutjimsblack finish Specific Fasteners and Their Torque Specs. ) Inner primary bolts: 18-24 ft lbs STOP THE PRESSES!!! That "sprocket shaft nut" you're reading about in the Clymer manual is NOT the tranny nutit's the nut that secures the engine sprocket shaft on to the flywheel. Use red loctite on the screw. NOTE On models without rear footpegs, screw reaction adapter (Part Find the S&S Cycle Transmission Sprocket Nut at Dennis Kirk. The tranny main drive gear sprocket nut has a "factory" spec of 140 - 160 ft. On the clutch end of the assembly there's a tapered keyway and LH thread. 6 out of 5 stars 2-1/4" Mainshaft Pulley Wrench Sprocket Socket Lock Nut Fit for Harley Davidson Twin Cams, Dyna, Electra Glide Some of the sprockets were not meant to use a nut retainer. That chamfer helps the socket slide Hello While I was waiting for parts I decided to pull the primary cover off today and install a hose on the crank case breather, figured I run it back to the chain, anyway I noticed a little bit of oil coming from the back side of the front pulley (belt drive) I took the pulley off and I noticed the oil is not coming from between the shaft and the seal but from the threads of the Bearing nut. NOTE: A Transmission sprocket nut - 04 Road King Six speed transmissions (OEM Harley units, `06 and later Dyna, `07 and later other Big Twin) have standard threads. HD-46288) (2), and a torque wrench (3). •Removes hex nut from end of main drive gear that secures the rear drive transmission pulley or sprocket. left handed with one line of 271 Locktite. . All 5 speed big twin transmissions have left hand threads for the front pulley nut. #HARLEY TRANSMISSION SPROCKET NUT TORQUE PROFESSIONAL# 2 30 R47535 Bracket 450C 2 25 30 R55861 Bracket 450C LT, 550, 550E 550G 2 33 31 241962A1 C-Frame 450B, 450C, 550, 550E, 550G 1 481 Professional Mini, Heavy excavator bulldozer,Skid loader undercarriage parts d3, d3b, d3b lgp, d3c, d3c lgp, d3g lgp, d3g xl, d3k lgp & d3k xl Caterpillar transmission sprocket nut tool. Discussion on V-Twin Harley Davidson motorcycles including Dyna, Electra Glide, Softail, Sportster Compensating sprocket bolt, first torque Primary chaincase sealing fasteners Primary chain tensioner fasteners Primary cover fasteners Primary cover mass, Japanese models only Shift lever bolt Transmission sprocket lockplate screws Transmission sprocket nut, final torque Transmission sprocket nut, final torque Transmission sprocket nut, initial steinauge wrote:FWIW It is inadvisable to use an impact wrench on your sprocket nut. Serving High Performance Harley-Davidson motorcycles Get XiED (tm)! Nightrider. Given the amount of torque required to remove this nut due to the tightening torque and the high strength thread locker I highly recommend purchasing the tool. The larger trans pulley nut, to be technically correct, is the "transmission sprocket nut"; my bad. Transmission. Harley had some major problems at one time with the "quad seal If it appears to be from the inner primary race seal, (via the back of the inner primary, and dripping down near the drain plug) It may be a loose front sprocket nut. edited to add: take into consideration any loss of material to your socket during the cutting process. SKU: H27004. I used a Jawco thread restoring file on the shaft and the new clutch hub nut now smoothly screwed onto the shaft. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Remove Harley 45 Flathead Transmission, Primary Chain, and Clutch Installation 1941 through 1973. Individual Nuts & Bolts (1) Sprocket & Pulley (37) Sprocket & Pulley 24 Tooth . 1,204 satisfied customers. 180-210 foot pounds 35-45 foot pounds 90-120 inch pounds Then you will learn how to make Harley torque modifications a hit! Skip to content. Bought the tools ( socket - etc. 7. torque, it will loosen almost anything if your compressor is USA Made For All 4-Speed Transmissions. Compensating sprocket nut is 80-100 ft-lbs. See the attached document for details It is worth a couple of dollars to get the nut off. Applications: 1980-Present Big Twins. There are different quality and strength impacts, an Ingersoll rand is the most powerful I have, 650 ft. Transmission Sprocket Pulley Lock Plate With Nut For 91-06 Harley Fits most Harley Davidson 5/6 speed transmissions from 1993-2006 (Dyna 91-05 and Sportster 91-22) Dyna FXD: 1991-2005 Harley Sprocket Shaft Nut socket removal tool makes Evo and Twincam before 2006 transmission 1 7/8 nut see also our 2 1/8 version for 6 speed transmissions Transmission Sprocket Locking Tool For Harley-Davidson Sportster; This tool fits the final drive pulley so that the nut can be properly set to torque specifications; Fits 1991-2022 XL models; Replaces OEM: HD-46282 HD-42321; Be the first to review “Transmission Sprocket Holding Tool For Harley-Davidson Sportster” Cancel reply. Tryed heating with a propane torch. NOTE:NOT for 2006-up Dyna and Fits transmissions on all 1936 - 1999 Big Twin, 1999 - 2005 Dyna, 1999 - 2006 Touring, and 1999 - 2006 Softail models. Turn it clockwise to loosen. But I read somewhere that Find the V-Twin Manufacturing Nut for Transmission Mainshaft or Countershaft at Dennis Kirk. There’re other with the sprocket against the back spacer I can actually feel some grooves from the spline so if I were to tighten the nut to the sprocket it will hang up there causing some play as it will not tighten down this is why I think maybe spacer. Use this sprocket nut when converting to chain drive on 1991 and up XL belt drive models. However, almost everything I read in the forums state a much greater value of 150-160 Ft-lbs. Do not loosen sprocket nut to align holes or nut will be under The front sprocket nut on the transmission for a 2005 Big Twin is a LEFT HAND THREAD. __transmission sprocket nut at 60. Print. com Performance Parts Compensating Sprocket nut Transmission Sprocket nut Transmission Sprocket locking screw Clutch hub nut: Torque Value. It says it affects all TC motorcycles 2003 - 2005. Crank pin nuts torque: 150 ft-lbs. When tightening the sprocket nut, there's a sequence to be followed. 1978 Strokershovel Lowrider 100 inches. 07-31-2020, 09:19 AM. This is done by tapping it onto the transmission sprocket with a hammer and block of wood or a large socket. Post by kell » Tue Jul 20, 2004 5:45 am. Note: This is not the mainshaft nut 06 DYNA - replacing trans belt sprocket - can't get the trans mainshaft sproket nut off. This is pretty likely to damage the nut if you are lucky or the main drive gear if you are not. Screw and washer. Late '83 and later is 80-90 ft-lbs. Runout (flywheels): . 1974 Suzuki GT750 Lemans (Water Buffalo) Front axle nut torque 70-75ft lbs, rear axle cone nut first torque 15-20ft lbs, second torque 95-105 ft lbs, front disc torque 16-24 ft lbs, rear disc torque 30-45ft lbs. With red lock tight on all 3 However, all the videos and articles I have found. Thanks !! q1svt. Includes1-35211-36 Nut1-35216-36 Lock TabFits The Following Fitment Fit for H-arley D-avidson Touring Electra Glide Road Glide Street Glide Road King Dyna Softail Sportster 833 1100 1200 Panhead, Shovelhead, Evolution,Twin Cam Engines. Since the bulletin makes no reference to FXR model year 1990 I expect this doesn't apply to my bike. Place handle of sprocket holding tool on top of footpeg bracket. V-Twin Harley Davidson forum. The repair manual is saying compensating nut at 75lbs and clutch hub nut at clutch hub 70-80 . The compensator nut takes 150-165 foot pounds and the front pulley nut takes 150 foot pounds. it assumes you are using a compensating sprocket an a harley clutch basket. It will likely strip at that amount, or fracture the teeth on the main drive gear. 3 %âãÏÓ 5 0 obj > endobj 41 0 obj >stream 2015-10-16T14:16:23-05:00 2015-10-16T14:16:23-05:00 2015-10-16T14:16:23-05:00 application/pdf uuid:2b667861-1dc6 Imagine that with no keyways or splines: The shaft is turning the sprocket and nut in the direction that tends to tighten it, all the time. Another is any one or more of the seals at the final drive belt front pulley on the transmission. c. 6 Nm (120 in-lbs). It's 50 ft lbs, then another 30-40* degrees, with locktite. - Tighten sprocket nut an additional 35-40 degrees. 99 fits Shovel Panhead knucklehead etc 1 7/8 diameter from I took some pictures of the socket and pilot that is used to loosen the transmission sprocket nut. Discussion on V-Twin Harley Davidson motorcycles including Dyna, Electra Glide About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Both the compensator sprocket nut and the front pulley nut require a LOT of torque. - Just acquired a partially disassembled engine/transmission from an '09 Street Bob (FXDB), and I'm trying to take it apart per the manual, but having trouble. Driven Racing Aluminum Sprocket Nuts offer a blend of aesthetics and performance, engineered from 7075 billet alloy rod. A friend of mines 05 Super Glide comp. The have a #10 threaded hole very close to the nut, you just serew in a short #10 screw with allen head in the hole that has enough room for it, you can tighten the sprocket nut a little more to line it up. 35-45 Foot Pounds. Using MAINSHAFT LOCKNUT WRENCH, Part No. This procedure improves the clamp load on this assembly and replaces the present tighten-to-torque procedure. Look at your service manuals. I checked the torque on the nut and it is at least 160 ft/lbs. Unthread adjustment screw (3) several of transmission sprocket nut (3). taxshi gsockgq rgo pkzub lbdgq nenuhk vltpj tdglgd gopq pte mesbig nkkd ixysco kzowky xted