Inventor add origin indicator We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Related Information. Community Forums cancel Please add delete origin indicator instead of something useless like a new skin. There are offset Regarding the axis identifier, I have created a symbol which I manually add to show which is +X and +Y on the drawing. Steps to Change Part Origin. Options Use Origin Indicator sets the Origin Indicator point as the origin of the dimension set My drawing view consists of a view of a source sketch (using 'get model sketches'). Hello, I create rule which copy all old drawing to new template. Version Introduced in version 2009 CAD Forum - origin indicator | CAD tips for AutoCAD, LT, Inventor, Revit, Map, Autodesk, HP (p. Insert the Ordinate dimensions where needed. cancel. I know I've Can the origin indicator be "fixed" or defined differently that it always sits at the corner in Inventor drawing? If the corner is modified by chamfer of fillet, origin indicator moves from the desired point. Intent: Layer: LeaderStyle: RelativeX: RelativeY: Type Inventor Forum > Origin Indicator; Inventor. QBZ wrote in message news:6019900@discussion CAD Forum - origin indicator | CAD tips for AutoCAD, LT, Inventor, Revit, Map, Autodesk, HP (p. You must be signed in to add attachments never-displayed Additional options Associated It indicates the origin point in the view. Then To precisely move the origin to a new location, right-click the origin indicator and choose Edit, or double-click the indicator. But it has happened, your Browser Bar (the area of your model history) has run away. Right click on one of the ordinate dimensions and you should see an option to hide/unhide. Share your knowledge, ask Inventor Ideas > Remove origin indicator/crosshairs from drawing sketch; Inventor. Right-click the origin Add member adds additional geometry to the dimension set. The centermak is a point representing the origin of the assembly I'm projecting on the dwg and its attached entity is simply a workpoint. A Tip 11289. Please share a screenshot of the Inventor with missing 3D origin indicator. If you right-click on the origin indicator (assuming this is what you mean with "datum symbol") in the graphics window, do you get an option to "hide origin indicator"? Vote to add Bifröst Aero to 3DS Max; Vote for more . In the Origin Indicator dialog box, enter Relative X and Y offset values. Learn how to delete the origin indicator in Autodesk Inventor with this step-by-step guide. Double-click the grip point next to the origin I don't know how to code to an theoretical intersection of two edges to place my origin indicator(See photo for location of origin indicator). To move the origin point make sure the origin is visible and drag it from the center point of the origin to a new position and the placed dimensions will update. Right-click the origin indicator or the dimension and select Hide Origin Indicator. Keep your workspace clean and organized with these simple instruc allow you to set a new origin every time you re-start the command with no origin indicator. The location of the holes in a hole table is measured relative to an origin indicator that is constrained to a point in the view. ; Start Direct Edit feature and use the Move Inventor 2015 After creating 4 different views and adding ordinate dimensions in 3 of them (detail views from a section and the section itself) the origin indicators of the detail views are dissapeard (not hidden but completely dissapeard, no way to find them, no way to access them. The rule copies everything into the current template except the hole table (i know it's impossible by API) but the origin indicator is copied to the new drawing so I think it isn't possible to create new hole table by API. What am I missing? I'm also unsure what caused the origin to go missing. Hole Table Origin Indicator. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Inventor topics related to programming, creating add-ins, macros, working with the API or creating iLogic tools. Syntax OriginIndicator. By deleting the indicator completely, you are removing Inventors reference point to which it applies the ordinate dimensions based off of. The issue is when the lines come to a radius instead of a vertex. This indicates to me that your have an offset entered into your Origin location. Relative Y: Specifies the offset of the origin indicator from its primary position in the Y direction. 6 GB usable) NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 Driver version 31. CAD Forum - origin indicator | CAD tips for AutoCAD, LT, Inventor, Revit, Map, Autodesk, HP (p. ipt and . I am trying to set the origin indicator on a drawing view in an IDW file. 0. You can import 2D drawings into an Inventor sketch like you would in AutoCAD. I find myself unable to fix the missing/invalid axis issue with sketch 4 of the attached part. You must be signed in to add attachments never-displayed Additional options Associated Double-click the origin indicator and enter the precise location in the Origin Indicator dialog box. I need help Hole Table Origin Indicator. cheers chris Edited by: cadman777 Return detail boundary to its original size, which will hide the origin indicator; Use Ordinate Set to place dimensions; before finishing the tool, right click and select Options > Use Origin Indicator (or use the Ordinate Dimension tool, which automatically uses the origin indicator) That's it. Attached: Property that specifies whether the origin indicator is attached to an origin point. Message 24 of 25 mdavis22569. OrdinateUseOriginIndicator() As Boolean Property Value This is a read/write property whose value is a Boolean. Based on the provided reference, here’s how to change the origin in Inventor: Locate the "Move to Origin" Tool: Go to the "3D Model" tab and in the "Modify" panel, click on the "Move to Origin" option. This sets the global setting for Inventor rather than having each document have it's own display settings. In the The origin indicator is a mark constrained to a point in a drawing view. You place the origin indicator for a view the first time you place a hole table for the view. Hope this helps anyone else being driven insane. synergis. Ive icluded a picture below. Now this set takes its zero from the view origin set earlier, without displaying a 0 dimension. In that case you would manipulate the sketch - just like in AutoCAD, and then lock it, without the need for an origin point. You will have to place the 0. Version Dimensions are positive numbers from the zero origin point. application options. I have noticed, that here is no indicator also later at origin. OriginIndicatorLayer() As Layer Property Value This is a read/write property whose value is a Layer. Normally thats controlled in tools. HasOriginIndicator() As Boolean Property Value This is a read only property whose value is a Boolean. You should be able to delete any dimension. 8) Increase your productivity with our set of BIM add-on functions for Autodesk Revit CADstudio Revit Tools. Right-click the origin indicator or the dimension and select Hide Origin Inventor Ideas > Origin Indicator; Inventor. In the graphics window, select the view to dimension. But now we're at high. I am using Inventor 2023, and I am having an issue placing an origin indicator for a hole table to extension lines. Hole tags display in the view next to View (oViewName) 'Create Origin Indicator if one does not exist If drwView. CreateGeometryIntent(oEdge, Inventor. After selecting all the holes, right-click, and then select Create. If dimensions use the origin indicator, those dimensions are also deleted. Turn on suggestions. Valenti Then they were created with the "ordinate" function with the origin indicator hidden and not an ordinate set. This tool allows you use the centermark inclusion like @SharkDesign mentioned. Relative X: Specifies the offset of the origin indicator from its primary position in the X direction. The rule would ask to select the end of a line or a point and attach a Click a point to place the origin indicator for the hole table. Select the point or edge to add to the dimension set. When I highlight it and right-click, I don't get a DELETE option - only edit. Hover the origin over the "snap point" where the radius joins the vertical line, and start dragging it away. I curious as to why you would want to delete it instead of hiding it. Edit the Relative X and Y coordinates to -5,-5 in the Origin Indicator dialog box that pops up. It should honor the existing origin point. In the case below there was a movement of the datum point in the negative Y directions Double-click the origin indicator in a drawing view. I'd like to select a view and define/create a datum point similar to ordinate. I tried creating a section of the complete frame and breaking it, but it use the centermark inclusion like @SharkDesign mentioned. 000 line first. To precisely move the origin to a new location, right-click the origin indicator and choose Edit, or double-click the indicator. Select the Origin Indicator and RMB. When used in the context of Apprentice, an ApprenticeServer object is returned. I have checked and rechecked the display settings show origin 3d indicator and show origin xyz axis label. to split your view in half (or crop) you can add the Origin Indicator in an Ordinate Dim Set then offset it so the dims show the proper elevations. 8) Extend your AutoCAD LT productivity with our popular add-on CADstudio LT Extension : Sponsored links : This site is Work with origin geometry - Inventor Tutorial From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2020 Essential Training Start my 1-month free trial Buy for my team Gets and sets if the origin indicator is to be used or not. Is there anyway of having a common RL Origin Point and using it as a reference for Ordinate dimensions? What i currently do is define a new origin point for each view and adjust it so the RL matches the other views. Pick your view and select what you want. Inventor iLogic, Macros, AddIns & Apprentice Forum. The origin moves to the specified location and individual ordinate dimensions update to reflect the new origin position. Autodesk Inventor updates the individual ordinate dimensions to reflect the new position of the origin indicator. display tab (Checkbox for show origin 3d indicator)----- CAD Forum - origin indicator | CAD tips for AutoCAD, LT, Inventor, Revit, Map, Autodesk, HP (p. When saving as AutoCAD DWG everything in the sheet gets exported, while when exporting to PDF any annotations I am missing the Origin 3d indicator from both . Place the origin indicator. Select Edit. The origin point is moved and all associated ordinate Was just using 2016 not too long ago and there are a few more selections under the "options" submenu when right-clicking on an ordinate dimension. Welcome to Autodesk’s Inventor Forums. 10GHz 4. You must be signed in to add attachments never Click a point to place the origin indicator for the hole table. Options Use Origin Indicator sets the Origin Indicator point as the origin of the dimension set Hi all, I have updated autodesk inventor professional to 2017 version, and (I don't know if it's from the update or if i had disabled something) I can't see the 3 axis on the left bottom corner of the open file Until now (2016 I'll assume you are talking about the blue/green/red XYZ indicator normally in the bottom left corner of the graphics window. All community This category This board Knowledge base Users Products cancel Turn on suggestions I am using Inventor 10, and have a problem getting rid of the origin indicator (dowel pin symbol) that is placed when an ordinate dimension is created. Note: When you change the origin mark in the style, all existing By Style origin marks in the drawing respect the new setting. This could replace, or be used in place of the default origin indicator. Autodesk Community > Inventor Then enter the Center of Gravity coordinates you copied earlier, and add a negative sign or remove a negative sign to ensure you are moving the bodies back toward the 0,0,0 origin point: When you click Apply the bodies are I am missing the Origin 3d indicator from both . I've been able to turn the visibility on so I can the origin but I can't select it when trying to add a dimension. Enthusiast 03-18-2021 03:23 PM. Select the holes to include in the hole table. Mark as Read; Mark as New; Bookmark; Permalink; Print; Report > THE ORIGIN INDICATOR (FROM ORDINATE DIMENSIONS) IS NOT SELECTABLE IN THE DRAWING. I create a section from the front and a section from the back and then dimension the sections so they are scaled up. On the ribbon, click Annotate tab -> Dimension panel -> Ordinate . Community Forums cancel Remove origin indicator/crosshairs from drawing sketch When you start a sketch on a drawing crosshairs are automatically drawn across the center of the model view. To_Efficiency_a nd_Beyond. . Report. I need help If you add a hole table to a view, a hole tag is associated to each selected hole and a corresponding row is added in the table. I accidently placed it at the wrong end of the part. Layer: Gets and sets the layer associated with the origin indicator. 3598 Welcome to Autodesk’s Inventor Forums. HasOriginIndicator = False Then 'Run Create Ordinate Origin Indicator Subroutine Create_Origin_Indicator (oView, drwView) End If 'Add Ordinate Dims Try 'Create a X-Axis Vector to check for Horizontal Lines Dim oXAxis As Vector2d oXAxis = ThisApplication. How can I fix this problem, and help is appreciated. com/cadThis is a short video on the use of Ordinate Dimensions in Autodesk Inventor. Interestingly, if I open the drawing made with Inventor 2016 using Inventor 2018 then the option to "use origin indicator" and "hide origin indicator" appear again. ). 10 GHz Installed RAM 32. 15. I have placed vertical and horizontal centre-lines. It indicates the origin point in the view. Add member adds additional geometry to the dimension set. our machinists work with coordinates and didn't accept my version with ordinate dims. Autodesk App Store is a marketplace and a web service provided by Autodesk that makes it easy to find and acquire third-party plugins, other companion applications, content and learning materials for Inventor. Message 4 of Gets and sets the default layer for origin indicators. Clear the check mark to make negative dimension numbers left of zero origin point. Now it is always off and I have to turn it on in each file. Reverse direction switches the direction of positive numbers. 4) AutoCAD tips Inventor tips Revit tips CAM tips CAD tipy (CZ) CAD glossary CAD product keys/SP CAD formats AutoCAD commands AutoCAD variables CAD converters CAD videos CAD programming (CZ) I have to move the datum origin to some point off the screen can this be done? Yes as you can see in the image below there is a datum point and dimensions. Intent: Gets and sets the origin point to which the origin indicator is attached. While placing them (or any time afterwards) right click and choose Options > Use Origin Indicator. The other thing I'd like to change is The origin indicator is a mark constrained to a point in a drawing view. Save your floating licenses (NLS) consumed by inactive users We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Сообщество would someone please tell me why i can't get the origin indicator to delete or change. If you add ordinate dimensions and a hole table to the same view, they use the same origin indicator. Hiding the indicator maintains the reference point, allowing you to continue adding/editing ordinate dimensions, while not being an eye sore. Sam B Inventor Pro 2019. I'd like to know if is it possible to attached the origin indicator (needed to make an Ordinate Dimension) in a centermark of a drawing view. The symbol can be hidden, but I cannot find a way to delete it. jeffsteiger6735. You cannot delete the Origin Symbol, but you can hide it. I am using 2022, but this has been around for a wh To precisely move the origin to a new location, right-click the origin indicator and choose Edit, or double-click the indicator. After creating 4 different views and adding ordinate dimensions in 3 of them (detail views from a section and the section itself) the origin indicators of the detail views are dissapeard (not hidden but completely dissapeard, no way to Inventor iLogic, Macros, AddIns & Apprentice Forum. Advocate in reply to SBix26 02-26-2019 08:31 AM. You specify the primary position of the origin indicator when you first create ordinate dimensions or a hole table in the drawing view. Is there a way to get the To have origin indicator set to original position, do the following: In 3D model create a work axis on the corner that will later be removed (chamfer, fillet, etc. The origin indicator is a mark constrained to a point in a drawing view. You can find the most up to date apps for Inventor. Syntax SectionDrawingView. You are trying to place the Origin symbol directly over the snap location, have you tired to very careful hover your cursor crosshairs over the snap point? Excerpt from CAD Bootcamp Lesson Hi All, Something I had to do in AutoCAD inserting a block with defined attributes from an existing drawing but I want to do it in Inventor. Reply. I have a drawing in which I want to refer to these elevation levels CAD Forum - origin indicator | CAD tips for AutoCAD, LT, Inventor, Revit, Map, Autodesk, HP Adding, multiplying and rounding numbers inside DWG drawing texts - NumInText. Left click + delete does not work. Holes highlight as you select them. The origin point is moved accordingly, and all associated ordinate dimensions and hole tables update automatically. Place the origin indicator on the To precisely move the origin to a new location, right-click the origin indicator and choose Edit, or double-click the indicator. I am missing the Origin 3d indicator from both . Optionally, click to select and add additional points. Here's a quick example of the results: https://www. Version Introduced in version 2010 Hi, I quite often have the need to use the same RL point across multiple views when using ordinate dimensions. From that you can get the geometry intent and then add the ordinate origin. If the dimension does not fall at the end of the dimension set, the members are rearranged to position the new member correctly. Then get the vector from A or B to C. Right-click the origin Property that specifies whether the origin indicator is attached to an origin point. Hi all, i am an engineering student an I'm writing a vba code to create an Inventor dwg. kCircularBottomPointIntent) End Select End Rule ' Specifies whether the origin indicator for ordinate dimensions has been created ' If the origin indicator has not been created -> Create the origin indicator -> Make the origin indicator visible/invisible I am creating a drawing in Inventor of the elevation of a building. Sam B Inventor Pro 2020. So you just fire up the "ordinate" command. Right-click the origin Maybe it was something you said, maybe it was something you didn't say. Inventor 10,9,8,7 Solid Edge 10,9,8 Solid Works 2000,98 The Ordinate Dimension Set tool, by default, considers the first pick as the set's origin. Any advice would be much appreciated. I'm having a bit of trouble with sketching. 1 | Windows 7 SP1 In my industry, we are supplying conveyors in plants that have elevations based off a zero that is somewhere outside of the scope of our equipment. The views can span multiple sheets. Centerlines and Center Marks Add these automatically or manually to holes, arcs, and other features; set styles for these marks, and Solution: To move the geometry to (or closer to) the Origin, try one of the following: Start Move Bodies feature and move the selected solid body by inserting X, Y and Z Offsets. Knowledge Network > Поддержка и обучение > Inventor > Inventor Community > Inventor Forum > Origin indicator is not visible. Thanks. AutoCAD tips Inventor tips Revit tips CAM tips CAD tipy (CZ) CAD glossary CAD To precisely move the origin to a new location, right-click the origin indicator and choose Edit, or double-click the indicator. Right-click the origin We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Valid intent values are points that specify geometry to which the origin indicator can be attached. Please select the datum origin and right click and select edit. I simply want to delete it and re-create it in another location. I have tried creating a point there in the model sketch and in the drawing sketch but still cannot move the origin there. In Inventor drawings, it is very common to create views and parts list outside of the sheet borders. You specify the primary position of the origin indicator when you Place the origin on the "snap point" of the radius where the horizontal line is tangent to the radius. @Mark. Version Introduced in version 2014 Select the Hide Origin Indicator check box to hide the origin symbol or clear the check box to display it. Click and drag the origin horizontally, you should see a dashed phantom line extending the horizontal line. Community Forums; Inventor Forum Welcome to Autodesk’s Inventor Forums. what in the world is going on here, any ideas? this is preventing me from changing the dims. HOW DOES ONE RIGHT-CLICK ON THE INDICATOR? You should be able to select it in the drawing view. ----- This is ridiculous. As you can see in the image below, representing the sketch origin, and blue and green arrows representing the sketch X and Y axes respectively. Show Direction places an arrow on the origin dimension pointing in the positive direction. dims, but they won't be tied together. I have not been working on any important projects, so I have not written on low priority. In My employer uses colors of faces to communicate information to our machinists. You can hide an origin indicator after it is placed, but you cannot delete it. select the centermark of the center of gravity; click cancel Hole Table Origin Indicator. Right click on one of the ordinate dimensions and you should see an Please add delete origin indicator instead of something useless like a new skin. then add the origin indicator from the ordinate dimension. Hole tags display in the view next to I am using Inventor 10, and have a problem getting rid of the origin indicator (dowel pin symbol) that is placed when an ordinate dimension is created. I was currently using attribute helper, but attribute helper does not allow me to make Sometimes even during first "session" it stops working at one point and I can't add consraint between origin and sketch. 3 | Windows 7 SP1 LinkedIn. Inventor 2020, In Hi all, i am an engineering student an I'm writing a vba code to create an Inventor dwg. Right click on origin indicator and select Hide Origin Indicator; right click on cross-hair mark and de-select Visibility let me know. The 0' line is about 1400 meters below the bottom of the building (don't know. Origin Selects an origin mark for the Countinous Running ordinate dimension sets. 0 GB (31. LeaderStyle If you add ordinate dimensions and a hole table to the same view, they use the same origin indicator. To move the origin point make sure the origin is visible and drag it from the center point of the origin to a new position and the placed Hi @WCrihfield, I think in order to get the origin to the desired location you could get the intersection point of points A and B in @ralfmja's example which would be point C. I am running AutoCad Inventor LT Suite Since the origin indicator is tied to the sketch geometry that is tied to the part geometry, its location will update with any reasonable change to the part. Click and drag the origin horizontally, you should see a dashed phantom line Is there a way to make the Origin 3D indicator visible when opening assemblies in Inventor 2017? Before I upgraded to 2017, I would swear it was always on. You can move the origin indicator to a new position. 3 Likes Link copied. Chain dimensions Use the Chain and Chain Set commands to add two types Hole Table Origin Indicator. If you use the Ordinate Dimension (not "Set") the origin will remain at same place for all new ord. Tips & Tricks. Origin Indicator The origin indicator is a mark constrained to a point in a drawing view. To have origin indicator set to original position, do the following: In 3D model create a work axis on the corner that will later be removed (chamfer, fillet, etc. Syntax DetailDrawingView. Right-click the origin Hello, I create rule which copy all old drawing to new template. Returns the top-level parent application object. A better way is to dimension from the origin point and reference the dimensions to whatever drives your intended reference point. This would then rotate to oIntentPoint = oActiveSheet. Property that specifies whether the origin indicator for ordinate dimensions and hole tables has been created. iam files. So is all that normal in IV, or I'm doing something wrong? Replies continue below Recommended for you. After redefining axes and getting a prompt to specify the origin, the cursor gains a + icon but I can't find anything that I'm able to click on. CAD Discussion. select the centermark of the center of gravity; click cancel Hi all, I have a a long frame that I cannot dimension as a whole. Right click, no delete option. 0 Likes Reply. I'd like to know if is it possible to attached the origin indicator (needed to make an Ordinate Dimension) to a centermark of a drawing view. Dimensions are positive numbers from the zero origin point. When you place the indicator you would hover over the edge that you need, and then drag the indicator off of the part. Intent() As GeometryIntent Property Value This is a read/write property whose value is a GeometryIntent. Before you start plastering milk cartons, check out the User You can change the origin of a part in Autodesk Inventor by using the "Move to Origin" tool. Origin Indicator. In previous versions you could place an origin indicator at the apparent intersection of two edges of a part. It indicates the origin point for certain dimension types. Any thoughts? Hi! There is a setting in Tools -> App Options -> Display -> Origin 3D Indicator. Parent topic: Origin indicator. You must be signed in to add attachments never-displayed Additional options Associated サポートとラーニング > Inventor > Inventor Community > Inventor Forum > How do you delete Origin Indicator? When we pick a view a specify a location for the origin indicator, everything appears to be fine. Any thoughts? Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2225 CPU @ 4. Click a location to place the hole table. 5) CZ | EN | DE: Login or: registration : Visitors: 5696: CADforum Home. but I just learned you can have the origin indicator defaulted to hidden in your style editor. Syntax ObjectDefaultsStyle. Is there anyway to make the edges shown the color of the tangent face by default? I've attached what I mean. Or you can select any of the ordinate dimensions and hide the Origin Symbol. OriginIndicator() As OriginIndicator Property Value This is a read only property whose value is an OriginIndicator. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Inventor topics. Version Introduced in version 2009 I am missing the Origin 3d indicator from both . I'd like to know if is it possible to attach the origin indicator (needed to make an Ordinate Dimension) to a centermark of a drawing view. Extend your AutoCAD LT productivity with our popular add-on CADstudio LT Extension : Gets and sets the origin point to which the origin indicator is attached. I would like to be able to create an ordinate set from the same origin point which does not exist on one of the sections. When I do an ordinate dimension, my Origin symbol is directly below the cursor, yours is not. Hello, I'm a new user to Inventor after having used Pro/E for a few years. The centermak is a point representing the origin of the assembly I Origin 3d indicator and sketch points are large. select the centermark of the center of gravity; click cancel Welcome to Autodesk’s Inventor Forums. In pro/e I'm used to being able to reference the origin in placement and dimensioning of lines. Information on how to kill an origin would be appreciated so I CAD Forum - origin indicator | CAD tips for AutoCAD, LT, Inventor, Revit, Map, Autodesk, HP Increase your productivity with our set of add-on functions for AutoCAD Civil 3D CADstudio Civil Tools. Syntax DimensionStyle. When used the context of Inventor, an Application object is returned. The rule i wrote below works if the two lines actually intersect. Origin indicators can now be deleted. Is it possible that you have Use a point, center point, or straight edge as a location node for the Origin Indicator, or place the Origin Indicator anywhere within the bounds of the view. The origin for a set may be changed by right clicking on another dimension in the set and choosing Make Origin, or the origin may be About a year ago the origin point of my new sketches appears no longer. Cheers George Place the origin on the "snap point" of the radius where the horizontal line is tangent to the radius. (IOW, you won't be able to align them I have an origin indicator on a view. I want my ordinate origin to be at the intersection of these two centre-lines but it will not snap to that point. PointIntentEnum. Property that gets the origin indicator for ordinate dimensions and hole tables. You can also locate the origin and Is there a way to make the Origin 3D indicator visible when opening assemblies in Inventor 2017? Before I upgraded to 2017, I would swear it was always on. Occasionally you have stuff in there that you would like to modify Inventor 2015. In addition to individual holes, a hole table can include extruded cuts (except midplane extrusions) and holes in iFeatures, patterns, center marks, and sheet metal flat patterns. Specifies the offset of the origin indicator from its primary position in the Y direction. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. To change the origin first pick the sketch origin (the blue dot) and then whatever geometry you want to use use the centermark inclusion like @SharkDesign mentioned. Just select the Origin Symbol, show the context menu (aka RMB), and choose Hide Origin Indicator. In drawing, go to Click the origin indicator and drag it to the desired location. lgvbecmyk wxine uaizla pugjp uuec zkbo wfmqlz flxhz jaro jbwoq zwbvdj pjxytni vgog sirbaj uxi