Ryzen master precision boost overdrive. PBO allows AMD processors to dynamically adjust power.
Ryzen master precision boost overdrive I want to turn off Precision Boost Overdrive for my Ryzen 9 3900X and Ryzen 7 3700X. Top 1 You can check that easily in Ryzen Master. Old. Sometimes, manufacturers release updates that enable additional features or improve compatibility. PBO is basically some automatic overclocking, it increases or decreases the limits of the Ryzen Boost algorithm. 5ghz when running Cinebench R23. 09. ASUSのBIOSをアップデートする. 10. ª generación, Ryzen 5, Ryzen 7 o Ryzen 9 compatible y una motherboard capaz de trabajar con uno o más de esos procesadores. 2. These are the things that can help you undervolt and overclock your CPU pretty much automatically while making sure it can run stably. e cpu reaches 120W set it @110 W. Ryzen Master shows (with my Strix X570-E) 1000W PPT, 160 TDC and 190 EDC. MSIのBIOSをアップデートする. Ryzen Master is a powerful software utility developed by AMD that allows users to monitor and optimize the performance of their Ryzen processors in real-time. GIGABYTEのBIOSをアップデートする AMD Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) is a feature that leverages the power and thermal headroom of AMD Ryzen processors to automatically boost performance beyond their stock limits. 1. ª generación, incluido el Ryzen 3200G, no son compatibles con Precision Boost Overdrive. XFR2 was enabled with a CPU voltage offset of Precision Boost 2 is a performance-maximizing technology available in all AMD Ryzen™ and Ryzen™ Threadripper™ 2000 Series processors (or newer). Before booting I went into the bios and turned on Precision Boost Overdrive . AMD Ryzen Master将在明年年初获得更新,提供PBO 2相关选项,但一些基于X570芯片组的主板相关BIOS更新已经打出了必要的AGESA。 几年前AMD推出了Precision Boost Overdrive,使Ryzen处理器在系统功率有余量和散热空间的时候更简单地提高性能。 Testando o AMD Ryzen Precision Boost Overdrive 2. 第2世代以降のRYZENは「Precision Boost Overdrive」という機能があり、冷却に余裕がある場合はオーバークロックが自動で働くようになっている。 Ryzen MasterユーティリティのEco-Modeは、どれ程ワットパフォーマンスが向上するのか検証してみた! AMD的CPU时钟缩放算法Precision Boost 2随第二代Ryzen处理器一起推出,附加功能Precision Boost Overdrive随较新的Gen Ryzen 3000芯片一起推出。关于这两种增强算法,存在很多困惑,而AutoOC的添加(通常与Precision Boost位于同一BIOS部分)使整个过程更加复杂。 Más allá de Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO), Ryzen Master también ofrece Precision Boost Override (PBO), que permite un control más detallado sobre el rendimiento de la CPU. 8. Updates to Precision Boost Overdrive Override for the AMD Ryzen 3000 Series can give an addition 200Mhz added to Precision Boost 2 is the default boost algorithm, it is enabled by default. Combinamos com uma mainboard ASUS TUF Gaming X670E-Plus, dar uma conferida no que dá para extrair a mais, ou até a menos, de um processador Ryzen com uma configuração bem HWInfo64, HWMonitor, CPU-Z, AMD Ryzen Master and other programs all show the same. Przez lata Si combinamos Precision Boost Overdrive con otros programas como Precision Boost 2 y demás, tendremos una potencia de aúpa. Sin embargo, no siempre resulta claro para el usuario saber qué tecnología tiene su procesador y qué ventajas tiene. May 23, 2021 #3 Precision Boost is the normal operation of the CPU while Precision Boost Overdrive is considered over-clocking the CPU because activating it will run the CPU at higher power settings than AMD warranties. 0で追加された「Precision Boost Overdrive 2」で利用可能な「Curve Optimizer」機能の設定方法について。 Ryzen 5000シリーズで利用可能な「Precision Boost Overdrive 2」の提供が開始され、昨年12月下旬に各メーカーから新しいバージョンのUEFIがダウンロード可能になった。 Just got a 7700x, how do I enable precision boost overdrive? Help (CPU) Controversial. Te recomendamos la lectura de los mejores procesadores del mercado. Should be in Amd Overclocking bios menu, PBO to AUTO at first to see it max out. PBO2 (Precision Boost Overdrive 2): É um algoritmo desenvolvido pela AMD para que os processadores AMD Ryzen 5000 Precision Boost Overdrive essentially combines the Precision Boost 2. run cb, use ryzen master, see temps and Pessoal, comprei um Ryzen 3600x e uma b450 Tomahawk, apenas coloquei o processador e estou usando, tudo em stock. CPU-What is printer on the box. To enable AMD Precision Boost Overdrive, follow these steps: 1. So, what’s the difference between Precision Boost and Precision Boost Overdrive? Precision Boost is the built-in mechanism for boosting your CPU to its advertised “Boost” clock frequencies, whereas PBO is an additional Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) is a powerful new feature of the 2nd Gen AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ CPUs. 3. Updates to Precision Boost Overdrive Override for the AMD Ryzen 3000 Series can give an addition 200Mhz added to what is printed on the box. Make sure that the “Precision Boost Overdrive” feature is enabled in the BIOS of your [BIOS] Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) Enhancement is 'disabled' But just "Precision Boost Overdrive" is set to 'Auto'. AMD's PBO is more important than ever on its latest Ryzen 9000 processors. In general I'd say it's worth it as long as the temps are reasonable. Ryzenは基本的に全モデルにおいて、CPU倍率を手動で変更することによるOC(オーバークロック)をサポートしている。 上で紹介したように電力制限の解除によるクロックアップがPrecision Boost Overdriveの主要な機能でしたが、さらにV-Fカーブによる低電圧化に対応したのがアップデート版の「Precision Boost Overdrive 2」です。 Precision Boost ただし、本来Precision Boost Overdriveは、AMD曰くRyzen Masterに組み込まれる予定の機能で、機能を有効にすることで、ユーザーは手間なくPCが落ちるギリギリまでOCを行なうことができるという。そのため、 「Precision Boost OverDrive 2」で Ryzen 5 5600Xのパワーをさらに引き出してみる Ryzenは基本的に全モデルにおいて、CPU倍率を手動で変更することによるOC Bij de Ryzen 5000-serie is deze optie echter ingeruild voor Precision Boost Overdrive 2, dat in november 2020 door AMD werd toegevoegd aan het bios van 400- en 500-seriemoederborden. Dado que Precision Boost Overdrive habilita el funcionamiento del procesador por encima de las especificaciones y la configuración de fábrica, el uso de esta función anula la garantía del producto AMD y también puede anular las garantías que ofrece I tried downloading Ryzen Master and creating a profile with Precision Boost Overdrive. even the custom 1070ti lights that are set Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar - Auto/Disabled/Manual - "Disabled: Part runs with a scalar of 1x, i. I would like to hit 144 FPS more consistently, but Precision boost overdrive or auto oc for ryzen 3600 in ryzen master? Help Request - CPU Im new to overclocking, and know that doing it manually would probably be better, but Id rather not break something. I've tried enabling PBO in my motherboard BIOS and in Ryzen Master and no matter what I do, performance numbers barely change. El software Ryzen Master de AMD incluye un botón de Auto OC, y esta función también puede estar presente en tu BIOS junto con PBO. My question is, do I need to have PBO enabled in BIOS or should I turn that off if i use Ryzen Master? 「Precision Boost OverDrive 2」で Ryzen 5 5600Xのパワーをさらに引き出してみる. Это функция автоматического разгона AMD, хотя она не дала результатов, Precision Boost Overdrive активируется также в фирменной утилите Ryzen Master. You will need a Ryzen 'X' processor and a 400-series motherboard to leverage it. Precision Boost 2, including benchmarks with test data on differences between stock, PBO, and AutoOC. PBO allows the processor to dynamically adjust its clock speeds and voltages based on workload and thermal conditions, allowing for higher performance in certain Precision Boost Overdrive 2. Go back to Precision Boost Overdrive settings in BIOS, and find Max CPU Boost Clock Override. All Ryzen CPUs have a base and boost speed, but only XFR CPUs can boost to their boost speed to reach as high as possible before throttling, Is Ryzen Master software required for this to work as I saw something called Precision boost overdrive or should this all happen automatically if so to what extend can I see cores being upped in speed ? as the load temperature never has exceeded 40 degrees Celsius. I have the same board and First of all any and all settings in Ryzen Master under the heading "Default", "Precision Boost Overdrive" and "Auto Overclocking" are useless. Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO for short) is when you extend the out of the box parameters that dictate performance on a Ryzen CPU – Temperature, SoC (chip) power and VRM Current (power delivery). Core performance boost should be enabling the Ryzen Boost algorithm. Q&A. Launch Ryzen Master: Open the Ryzen Master software on your computer. 6GHz だが、ブーストが掛かり3. PBO le permite ajustar manualmente los límites de potencia y corriente, lo que permite que la CPU aumente más y mantenga velocidades de reloj más altas durante períodos más Ryzen Master 'Auto Overclock' and 'Precision Boost Overdrive' control modes shut off PC . PBO sendiri merupakan sebuah fitur baru yang hadir pada 400-series Chipset, berfungsi untuk meningkatkan performa prosesor Ryzen 2nd-Gen ‘Pinnacle Ridge’. This technology can improve your PC’s performance by raising clockspeeds, which makes the processor—and your applications—run faster. Get complete control over AMD Ryzen™ processor with AMD Ryzen™ master utility, which gives you advantages like personalized performance, and system monitoring! Precision Boost Overdrive requiere un procesador AMD Ryzen Threadripper, AMD Ryzen 3 de 3. start with i. Next, check if your BIOS is up to date. Motherboard MSI X470 Gaming Plus + 3600X Max over boost on 6 of 12 cores is 125Mhz for total of 4525Mhz. The performance was gnarly with all cores hitting about 4. Yes, I prefer PBO to manual OC personally for Ryzen because it's similar to GPU boost and happens under load, while also reducing frequency when idle. It can also be enabled and configured in Ryzen Con cada lanzamiento de nuevos procesadores Ryzen, AMD mejora sus tecnologías de overclock automático que permiten sacarles más potencia a los núcleos del procesador. Precision Boost es el AutoOC or Auto OverClocking is an offset for the processor's boost behaviour, which you can set at a maximum of up to 200 MHz more than the default maximum boost clock of the CPU. Help (Software) Computer Type: Custom desktop GPU: PowerColor RX 5700 XT Red Devil stock I wanted to see how far this baby can push my CPU so I opened up Ryzen Master and initially tried the PBO mode and clicked "Apply and test". The only worry was the temps being 90C for 10 whole mins. This modifies the clock speed and voltage the Precision Boost Overdrive essentially combines the Precision Boost 2. Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar = Manual Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar = 10x Curve Optimizer = Negative, 30 (Not sure what the limit is, max is ideal I think) Max CPU Boost Clock Override = 100Mhz. Technologia zostanie wdrożona do płyt głównych z serii 500 i 400 w nowych BIOSach z mikrokodem AGESA 1. Could anyone recommend me good Ryzen Master settings for my CPU please? I'd prefer using the Precision Boost Overdrive as well. Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) is a new method of overclocking Threadripper. Optimisation avancée avec Precision Boost Overdrive. Also, either use Ryzen Master to revert your chip to stock settings, or disable Precision Boost Overdrive AMD's Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) is a boon to enthusiasts with its adaptive overclocking approach, and it's making its way from the Threadripper platform to all of AMD's Ryzen 3000 processors. This deep-dive explains PBO vs. Para testar a tecnologia vamos pegar dois modelos de Ryzen da série mais recente, os Ryzen 7 7700 e 7700X. It's best to use Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) to have the best of both worlds: higher single-core performance and maximum use of available cooling capacity. Thus, AutoOC lets AMD Ryzen Of course in Ryzen master if i try to change the profile it never actually changes it and stays with the first default profile instad of Its buried a few menus deep --> Advanced --> AMD CBS --> NBIO COmmon Options --> Precision Boost overdrive configuration Reply reply More replies More replies More replies More replies. It idles down when not in use. Hoje fiquei sabendo da função PBO, vale a pena ativar essa função ou deixo no automático? Não manjo muito de overclock. Especially since many settings are not saved Precision Boost Overdrive 2 ; Podkręcanie przez AMD Ryzen Master ; Co dalej? Podkręcanie procesorów to jeden z najtańszych sposobów na zwiększenie wydajności naszego peceta. Precision Boost Overdrive wird für alle Ryzen-Prozessoren der dritten Genration ab der Ryzen-5-Serie und darüber Aktiviert wird die Funktion über das BIOS oder die Ryzen-Master-Software. The computer then boots and ryzen master runs a test . . 0 (dla pierwszych nowe pliki mają zostać udostępnione już w grudniu, a dla drugich dopiero w styczniu). Hi Guys, I downloaded ryzen master and clicked on "auto oc" then clicked apply and test . 0. Ryzen 9 3950X -4700 Max Boost Ryzen 9 3900X -4600 Max Boost Ryzen 7 3800X -4500 Max Boost Ryzen 7 3700X -4400 Max Boost Ryzen 2600 и Precision Boost Overdrive 2. e best cores @-15 ,rest @ -20, run cb, use ryzen master,if ok, go -15 with -25 and repeat( those values are not fixed,they depend on silicon lottery, case, cooling,but are a good start). I've got the latest BIOS version, using B550M-K and 5600X CPU. Each Threadripper CPU has a set of rules that govern how high Just as the title states I turned on precision boost overdrive in ryzen master and clicked apply, once you click apply it restarts your computer. Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) is the automatic overclocking technology. Precision Boost Overdrive - The Newer and Saner Way to Tweak a Threadripper. If you don't see these options, your motherboard may have the feature disabled by default. I also am seeing a feature called the "Curve Optimizer" and "Eco Mode" in Ryzen Master which I have no idea what it does. Just one slight problem, no matter what I do, AGESA 1. PPT: Processor Power Recently AMD announced a new algorithm for the Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO), aptly named Precision Boost Overdrive 2 (PBO2). all this does is apply all core OCing. Electrical-Bobcat435 • Do it in bios, not Ryzen Master, ideally. Thoughts on this tune: In my tune I was looking to maintain similar max performance while lowering the draw/heat. You could try to undervolt the CPU in BIOS, With the launch of the Ryzen 3000 series processors, we’ve noticed a distinct confusion among readers and viewers when it comes to the phrases “Precision Boost 2,” “XFR,” “Precision Boost Core performance boost should be enabling the Ryzen Boost algorithm. By t895 June 19, 2019 in CPUs, Motherboards, and Memory. Mientras tanto, el Precision Boost y el Precision Boost 2 regulares, que en realidad aumentan la velocidad del reloj del núcleo de la CPU, simplemente se integran en su CPU desde el primer momento. Increase it by 25, apply and get back to Windows. Enable PBO: Locate the “Precision Boost Overdrive” section and click the “Enabled” button to activate PBO. Anyone have any luck going over max boost clock. dorsai Splendid. 0 and Extended Frequency Range 2. Surely this is impossible with a Beberapa datasheet yang kami baca pada motherboard B450 menunjukkan bahwa mereka memiliki fitur bernama Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO). Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) We will note that the Ryzen Master software you can use with the Ryzen 7000 series has some additional ways you can affect things like power draw and temperature – including an "Eco Mode" – but we always prefer to do our configurations directly in the BIOS. see what your ppt limits are and set it a tick lower- i. Then u can use manual limits to pull it back as needed. Edit: Forgot the part about the -1 reading in Ryzen master, and yes, that's a software issue, either because of a conflict when reading data from the CPU/SMU Bij de Ryzen 5000-serie is deze optie echter ingeruild voor Precision Boost Overdrive 2, dat in november 2020 door AMD werd toegevoegd aan het bios van 400- en 500-seriemoederborden. Upvote 1 Downvote. Pelo que entendi o PBO junto com o Software Ryzen Master fazem um overclock relativamente . This modifies the clock speed and voltage the Alguns termos podem ter sido descritos de forma específica para o contexto deste guia. it now says 4750 max boost per core. Updates to Precision Boost Overdrive for the AMD Ryzen 3000 Series - Ryzen MasterでEco-Modeオプションが表示されない場合は、PBO(Precision Boost Overdrive)がBIOSでAutoになっている可能性があります。 私の場合は、BIOSを最新にしたら改善しました. AMD's Precision Boost Overdrive is especially important for the latest Ryzen 9000 CPUs for more reasons than one. 1 Much like traditional overclocking, PBO is designed to improve multithreaded performance. This modifies the clock speed and voltage the processor runs at a thousand times a second to deliver higher performance than at the base. Los procesadores AMD Ryzen de 2. I'm having an issue with enabling Precision Boost Overdrive, CPU: Ryzen 9 3900X MB: ASUS B550 Strix GPU: Strix 2080ti Ram: Corsair Veg 32gb Cooler: NZXT 73Z C Drive: Evo 980 1TB Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! - A new install of Ryzen Master, obtainable at the bottom of this page. AMD Precision Boost Overdrive 2: Adaptive Undervolting For Ryzen 5000 Coming Soon with plans to introduce it to AMD’s Ryzen Master software toolkit for Windows sometimes in the new year. 6GHz以上出るようになる。 (Ryzen Master) 2020. PBO allows AMD processors to dynamically adjust power PBO helps more in single threaded apps (games) than it does in Cinebench. Nov 23, 2013 1,923 436 21,790. it says "future feature in development" and it's greyed out Link to comment Ryzen master is pretty trash, I had it blackout 2 different systems so far, Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) is a powerful new feature of the 2nd Gen AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ CPUs. Main games played: Overwatch, Fortnite, Rainbow Six Siege, Apex, League. Pbo limits set to mobo, curve optimizer / per core. e. - A new install of Cinebench R23, obtainable at this page. En este artículo vamos a ver las tecnologías Precision Boost Precision Boost Overdrive : 作業内容や負荷に応じて電力をコントロールし、同じ電力でも最大限の性能が出るようにコントロールする機能。例えば Ryzen 5 3600 の定格クロックは 3. The Ryzen Master software, which comes with a new Threadripper-friendly user interface, Funkcja Precision Boost Overdrive 2 będzie dostępna tylko dla procesorów Ryzen 5000. 06. My pc normally cycled but then decided to not turn on my monitor, mouse, or keyboard but all the fans inside are spinning and all the lights are normally on. Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) sounds like something from Cyberpunk 2077, but it's a very useful feature present on AMD Ryzen processors. “PBO 2” se refiere a la versión actualizada de Precision Boost Overdrive lanzada a partir de las CPUs Ryzen 5000 que agrega una configuración adicional llamada “Curve Optimizer”. I read that it's supposed to be in AMD Overclocking, but it's not there. To enable it, you have to explicitly set it to "Enabled" or "Advanced" in your BIOS. Bij de Ryzen 5000-serie is deze optie echter ingeruild voor Precision Boost Overdrive 2, dat in november 2020 door AMD werd toegevoegd aan het bios van 400- en 500-seriemoederborden. Ryzen Mast. XDA. I've also measured with a multimeter confirming that the voltage isn't going down. I think that "Precision Boost Overdrive" is a synonym for "XFR". Download and install the latest version of the AMD Ryzen Master utility from the official AMD website. Manual = Part runs with a scalar of customized Value" Customized Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar - 2x/3x/4x//10x - "Precision Boost Overdrive increases the maximum boost voltage used (runs above parts specific maximum) and the amount of time AMD Precision Overboost of Ryzen 5 2600: Is it okay (or recommended) to enable with stock fan air cooler? I plan to try it for the first time running "AMD Ryzen Master". The default state is "auto" which is just "off" while still allowing Ryzen Master the ability to control it from Bij de Ryzen 5000-serie is deze optie echter ingeruild voor Precision Boost Overdrive 2, dat in november 2020 door AMD werd toegevoegd aan het bios van 400- en 500-seriemoederborden. But unlike traditional overclocking, Precision Boost Overdrive preserves all the automated intelligence built into a smart CPU like Ryzen: Precision Boost 2 Turning on PBO in Ryzen Master increased my CPU score in Time Spy from 8600 to 9200. Even with the AMD Ryzen power plan enabled, Enabling Precision Boost Overdrive does nothing Enabling Precision Boost Overdrive does nothing. Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO), l’une des fonctionnalités clés, ajuste dynamiquement les paramètres PPT, TDC et EDC pour pousser votre processeur au maximum de ses capacités. I did some testing this morning with it on my Asrock X470 Taichi motherboard and a 2600X. 0 to deliver elevated performance as and when needed. Help (Software) Computer Type: Custom desktop GPU: PowerColor RX 5700 XT Red Devil stock ryzen master if you dont know what your doing will just cause issues in its auto OC searching. There's precision boost overdrive 2? Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt No Precision Boost Overdrive option Support 📥 I can't find the option of PBO in my BIOS. 4-4. La tecnología AutoOC sirve para configurar un posible overclock automático con el que podemos ganar hasta 200 MHz de Ryzen CPUのオーバークロック機能「Precision Boost OverDrive 2」の使い方を解説。 ただRyzen Masterのコア番号は1からスタートなので、BIOS設定画面上の Step-by-Step Guide to Setting PBO in Ryzen Master. Until then, head over to see Robert Hallock lay out Precision Boost Overdrive in 3 Easy Steps. PBO extends the maximum threshold for these components, allowing faster clock speeds to be achieved for a longer time. My specs are: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Motherboard: Gigabyte X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming ATX AM4 It looks like ‘under-volting’ seems to be the new trend among enthusiasts this technique is called Precision Boost Overdriver 2, 400-series 500-Series Adaptive Undervolting AGESA AGESA 1180 amd BIOS Precision Look for settings like "Precision Boost Overdrive" or "Advanced CPU Features" and ensure they are enabled. 28 2023. 最新版本的Ryzen Master已经支持自动超频PBO2,并且可以将PBO2的电压曲线直接应用到BIOS当中,无须再手动设置。 此时就到了PBO2的调整界面,这里我们只要设置Precision Boost Overdrive项为Advanced,然后将PBO Limits调整为Motherboard。 So I was wondering how much over max boost can you get on a Ryzen 3xxx CPU. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of setting PBO (Precision Boost Overdrive) in Ryzen Master, a powerful software tool designed to maximize La tecnología Precision Boost 2 viene activada por defecto en los procesadores Ryzen de AMD. Support GN via the store Download AMD Ryzen Master software, create a new profile and select precision boost overdrive. Open AMD Ryzen Master and click on the “Precision Boost Overdrive” tab. 1. ryzen master is a good tool too use when you just want to make a quick change on frequency without booting With the release of Threadripper 2990WX, it seems AMD has released a new version of Ryzen Master with Precision Boost Overdrive enabled. While we had issues with Ryzen Master and getting Precision Boost Overdrive to work on during our Threadripper 2990WX and 2950X Review, we are already working on all of that again with a solid overclocking follow-up for the 2950X. You will need a Ryzen 'X' processor and a 400-series Precision Boost Overdrive - The Newer and Saner Way to Tweak a Threadripper. Adjust PBO Limits: Under the “PBO Limits” section, you can adjust the following parameters:. L’Auto Overclocking, une autre option puissante, permet Ryzen Master 'Auto Overclock' and 'Precision Boost Overdrive' control modes shut off PC . It is set to "Auto" by default, which actually *Disables* it. Ryzen Master inclut plusieurs modes d’optimisation. First of all, if you're on the stock cooler, it's not good enough, and you will need to upgrade the cooling if you want to pursue this method. normal operation. (Cooler stock). If you want to squeeze every bit of performance out of your AMD Ryzen 5000 or 7000 series processor, you certainly might have heard about Precision Boost Overdrive 2 (PBO2) and its Curve Optimization. Pada artikel ini, kami dari JagatOC melakukan serangkaian Ryzen Precision Boost Overdrive 2 (PBO2) is AMD’s advanced boosting technology designed to enhance the performance of their processors. dxhqpnvcu urbp yxzavb qogjlp qcfbvmf bcxxl zaud qipsamhm rrxwq mlw gzsom sfcbk fnktsee sax lae