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You must be logged in to post a review. 40 MB Visits 72 Downloads 1 Download Tell me which controller can be used for the LC320EUD SCA1 panel? The fact is that the native backlight driver does not have A_DIM, only PWM control is available. PB801 Is awesome board with 4. PB801 Code :MENU +1147 Sr. PB801-1920×1080-Samsung: Download: TP. Enjoy Free Shipping tp. 0端口,2. pb801, necesito el valor de 2 resistencias del circuito primario del backlight en los esquemas que he encontrado no salen los valores de las resistencias gracias Comentar Kastell. Press MUTE on the remote, then 1, 8, 2, and then POWER in order. Understanding Basic Electronics Components Ebook in English V1. PB801 1920×1080 سوفت عن طريق الفلاشه فقط وحصري علي ارض العمالقه همر ايجيبت ## منتدي سوفتوير الشاشات-الاسمارت smart Firmware ## 温馨提示: 1、非专业人员请勿随意下载,刷机有风险,使用需谨慎,一切源于刷机导致后果自负,本站概不负责; 2、本网站所有资料仅供测试和技术交流使用,请下载后24小时内删除; 3、资料并非收费,只是收取对应的服务器维护费用; 4、本站只提供资料没有技术支持,慎 tp. 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